Shateka Husser Financial Solutions

If you’ve had the same commute or schedule for years….


If you’ve had the same commute or schedule for years, it might be exhilarating to think of breaking free. Before doing so, you’ll need to ensure you have enough money set aside. This could require saving a significant percentage of your paycheck, even up to 50% or more. The arrangement often calls for frugal living and careful planning.

When these steps are followed and you retire, some of the perks can include:

1. Freedom from office constraints. You won’t have to report to a boss, and you can use your time your way. “Many early retirees embrace the nomadic lifestyle and use their newfound freedom to travel, explore and see the world,” says Ray Prospero, a partner advisor at AdvicePeriod in the Los Angeles area.

2. Time to pursue passions. If you’ve been waiting for the chance to help in your community or volunteer at a local hospital, early retirement presents the opportunity to get started. “Many retirees I have worked with say they are busier in retirement – with personal and philanthropic work – than they were before they retired,” says Jonathan DeYoe, senior vice president and partner at EP Wealth Advisors in Berkeley, California, and author of “Mindful Money: Simple Practices for Reaching Your Financial Goals and Increasing Your Happiness Dividend.”

3. An improvement in well-being. Exercise and eating healthy often take a backseat during working years, when job commitments and other obligations are prioritized. A shift to early retirement allows you to focus on your quality of life and higher activity levels. “Sleeping more, stressing less and getting out in fresh air more can be advantageous to your health,” says Danielle Miura, a financial planner and founder of Spark Financials, a fee-only firm in Ripon, California.

4. The chance to choose additional work. Perhaps you are looking to say goodbye to a high-stress job and move into a retirement that includes part-time, flexible opportunities. “If you want to work, you can still work, but on your own schedule,” says Brendan Sheehan, managing director of Waymark Wealth Management in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Your unique skills and experience could gain the attention of a new company. “If a potential employer wants you, you may earn even more than you had when you were working,” Sheehan says.

Questions, comments or concerns? We’d love to hear from you! To speak to one of the annuity experts give us a call at 678-736-6496.

Go to and download your retirement planning workbook so you can begin TAKING ACTION toward your retirement.


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