Shateka Husser Financial Solutions

Calculating Your Retirement Income Needs


🧮 Crunch the numbers: Calculate your retirement income needs! 💡

The average American will need 80% of their annual salary /income in retirement. Wondering how much you’ll need for a comfortable retirement? Let’s break it down:

1. 📝 List current expenses: Start with your monthly budget

2. ➖ Subtract costs that’ll disappear (mortgage, work-related expenses)

3. ➕ Add new expenses (healthcare, hobbies, travel)

4. ✖️ Multiply by 12 for annual expenses

5. 📊 Apply the 4% rule: Multiply annual expenses by 25 for your target nest egg


– Monthly expenses: $5,000

– Annual expenses: $60,000

– Target retirement savings: $1,500,000 ($60,000 x 25)

Pro tip: Factor in inflation! Increase your target by 2-3% annually.

Remember, this is a starting point. Adjust based on your lifestyle goals and risk tolerance.

Some key points to consider:

The 70-80% rule: This is a common benchmark suggested by many financial advisors and retirement experts. Fidelity’s guideline: Fidelity Investments, a major financial services corporation, suggests aiming for 80% of your pre-retirement income. Social Security Administration: They estimate that most people will need about 70% of their pre-retirement earnings to maintain their standard of living in retirement. AARP (American Association of Retired Persons): They often cite the 70-80% range as well.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines. The actual percentage needed can be higher or lower depending on factors such as:

Desired lifestyle in retirement

Health care costs

Debt obligations

Location and cost of living

Longevity expectations

Inflation rates

Some retirees might need less if they’ve paid off their mortgage and don’t plan on extensive travel, while others might need more if they have significant health issues or want to maintain a luxurious lifestyle.

🤔 What’s your biggest surprise when calculating your retirement needs? Share below!

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