Shateka Husser Financial Solutions

The HELOC strategy


Do you have a retirement income shortfall?

Do you need to make up for lost investing time?

Haven’t saved enough and nearing retirement?

Have you considered using a home equity line of credit (HELOC) to fund your retirement? Only if it makes sense. This means only if your return will make more than the HELOC because home equity has absolutely no value UNLESS you’re using it for leverage.

We have clients using the HELOC solution all the time with an annuity product that has a ten-year low of 16% growth. Perhaps that’s why the carrier has been around since the late 1800s. Their participation rates are also unbeatable.

There are always opportunity costs when one waits to make a decision. How much have you lost waiting? Don’t answer.

Every day your indecision around taking action toward retirement is costing you, requiring you to have to work more while pushing you into the retirement poverty group. This is not a scare tactic but a reality according to the Social Security Administration which reports 50% of retirees rely on social security (which is economically at risk, especially through 2034).

Note: These sophisticated proprietary products also have a fee of only .95%. Where do they do that in the annuity world? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Schedule a call with us, while slots are available for this month, so we can help you determine the loss and how to recover it effectively with the many strategies and options clients are using. Go to to book.


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